My oil on canvas work deals heavily with the body. Often I pull the body out of its context to create an ambiguity in form and clarity of tone and atmosphere. My collage pieces are often autobiographical. Many could be described as visual character studies.
Still Life with Skull, Book & Rose (20×16″)
Study of Rottweiler Skull (8×10″)
Untitled Portrait (12×16″)
Untitled Portrait (18×24″)
Still Life of Yellow Flowers (16×16″)
Still Life with Book & Rose
Woman with a Twisted Face
Woman With Flowers in Her Hair (16×16″)
Portrait of a Woman (16×20″)
Portrait of a Man (16×20″)
Portrait of a Man (16×20″)
Portrait of Beuys (10×14″)
Portrait of Marcel (10×14″)
Portrait of Frida (10×14″)
Nude With Flower (22×28″)
Collage from She & Him (7 of 25)
Collage from She & Him (25 of 25)
Collage from She & Him (4 of 25)
Collage from She & Him (3 of 25)